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It’s Called Social Media, Not Sales Media

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

When it comes to social media content, you should focus on providing information about you, your company, and your service/product.

If you had a friend visit your home, you wouldn’t hammer them with constant pleas to buy your product or service. Would you like to buy now? What about now? Let me get you a glass of wine, and along with that, would you like to make a purchase? Here's my son in the 5th grade, and while you're looking at that photo, why not sign on the dotted line?  Not only would your guest try and sneak out through the doggy door that doesn’t even sound pleasant for you!

Social media is simply another avenue for you to connect with your customer.  It allows potential clients or customers to get to know you and your company.  What excites you about your business? What is the state of your industry? Talk about one of your favorite projects or a hurdle you’ve overcome. Let people know what makes you and your company/product unique.

A good ratio to remember for social media content is 90/10:  90% of your content should be informational while 10% should be a call to action.

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